October 2011
The Gracious Core
Vapor Drawings
Do Dolphins Sleep?
In this Cup of Moonlight
Painting by Need
Light Singer
Beneath the Skirts of Irene
The Last Sparrow's Song
Crayons Crying
I have Loved You Wrong
The Gracious Core
We watch our lives fall through the hours,
down the canyons of dusk,
easing up through the mountains of dawn,
our finite allotment of color and light,
our fleshy envelope of minutes,
our time.
the rhythmic thrum of our days.
the bliss of our gracious core.
Vapor Drawings
Tracing you
in these curtains of mist,
chasing you
through a lifetime of almost
and just…
Racing you in the rain,
faces dripping with grins,
vapor trails on my cheeks,
the dew of that morning’s bloody rose.
A delicate suggestion,
a nuance of ivory,
a vague sensation of wind swept grey.
Vapors drawn on a canvas dream,
on the lips of a well placed brush. |

Do Dolphins Sleep?
In a pod of ordered frenzy
they circled,
cornering some invisible prey,
like bottle-nosed sharks in a knitting circle.
Others rose and dove
in their slate grey arcs,
just Being… breathing.
In the night, is the sea their roiling quilt?
Or do they roam, insomniacs,
ever questing for air?
In this Cup of Moonlight
I feel the thickness,
the ivory gut
drawn back across the strings,
moon splashing your shoulders,
the burnished soft mocha of you.
I feel your arms surround me
in the frantic silence, reaching,
embracing the arc of our current,
the hiss of electric white, the apricot
drizzling sweet on this moment,
this cup of moonlight
added to our savory cellular stew. |

Painting by Need
at the cusp of…
first touch,
a parry of… suggestion,
the briefest swipe of canvas,
the condensation of color.
A resistance, poised…
in the space of a breath not yet taken.
The sweet lull of indecision,
umber or mahogany,
a peck or full tongue.
It begins.
The slash, the flourish,
the sweep of a birthing brush,
intense, full labor,
un-reasonable light, demanding,
aching with inscrutable need.
The intent is now known,
the feint of apricot,
the jab of chartreuse,
the fist in full control..
Painting: Scarlet WInd, by Arcipello, © 2011 © 2011 |
Light Singer
I can hold you now,
a song caught in the amber,
trapped in my forever.
A snippet, a dragonfly
weaving, darting…
painting whispers of mischief and bliss.
I hold you now,
this cream in my coffee,
the light that lifts
the lids beneath my tattered veils.
I can hold you,
a dance to whalesong,
to Spirit Romance,
a sprite spitting "Justice!"
from a scalding skillet,
a soul crying
for their deadened tears from hollow eyes.
I can hold you now,
this breeze of our tomorrow,
this echo of yesterday
filling my moments with songs of light. |

Beneath the Skirts of Irene
This moon is muted afterthought
through this racing mask of cloud,
its face obscured
on this midnight silvered green.
Winds whip the palms
like chastised children that whined for rain,
puling through the fields,
frenzies of seizure gripping the grass,
botanical puppets
helpless in their mindless dance.
The Last Sparrow's Song
The ridge line is peaking,
smoldering embers of oak,
bright bleeds and crimsons,
the sun's rise kissing the bellies of cloud
in this high October sky.
I miss you as green needs the sun,
turning, twisting in this fickle autumn wind.
The valley walls are cumin,
wilted rose, and mottled lemon,
unable to hold the echoes of hope
that rose with the last sparrow’s song.
Crayons Crying
We are compromised borders,
colors bleeding,
nestled in arms of our needs.
We are crayons crying
for a wrapper with a different name,
a splash of magenta,
neath a scream of starlight,
sighs of lilac
on a steamy neon night.
We are rules unbroken,
begging for a hammer.
We are light unbidden
in this knowledge we hide,
riots of pigment calling
to long deafened ears. |
I Have Loved you Wrong
I pulled you from a sweet plum abyss,
nectar sweet and brimming
with curious smiles.
You pushed me grinning
like a rouge cheeked boy off to school,
unafraid of scabs,
unafraid of rules, or the sting of bees.
I pulled you fresh from the oven,
cracking and saucy,
pliant and savory.
You pushed me spinning
like a yo-yo rocking its cradle,
like a feather taunting the wind -
afraid to settle for the echo of a whisper,
afraid to nestle into the arms of a dream.
I pulled you through a second chorus,
a note held too long,
I have held you up and I held you down,
I should have kept you in amber,
It seems I have loved you wrong. |